Slow stochastic transgene repression with properties of a timer
Clifford L Wang, Desiree C Yang and Matthias Wabl
Genome Biology 2006, 7:R47 (doi:10.1186/gb-2006-7-6-r47)
The ability to identify clonal populations exhibiting predictable repression kinetics is intriguing. This finding has implications in the context of retroviral-mediated gene therapy. In this paper the location of integration was associated with the decay kinetics observed. This phenomenon is most likely cell-type/individual dependent. It may be possible to screen cells during retroviral-mediated gene therapy for the kinetics of transgene repression and identify those cells bearing an integration event at a genomic position allowing for predictable/reproducible expression kinetics and selection of clones with a low probability of tumorigenicity. One could envision a scenario where cells are isolated from an individual, "corrected" by way of retroviral integration of the functional gene in question, clonal populations of cells are identified that exhibit predictable expression/repression kinetics with subsequent use of these cells to treat the individual. If in vitro expression/repression kinetics are exhibited in vivo then one could tailor a treatment plan based on these kinetics. (That is assuming that repression is an issue of concern in individuals undergoing gene therapeutic modalities to treat the disease in question. I am ignorant of the long-term prognoses of individuals undergoing these treatments...) As an aside, one could also monitor these cells for things such as aneuploidy.
Basic Experimental Steps
They found evidence that even though repression of a transgene in an individual cell can appear sporadic or stochastic, when observing these events at a population level a probability distribution arises that can be utilized to predict the pattern of repression over time. For instance, they provide data for clonal populations giving one the ability to sample a subset of cells at a particular point in time allowing for the prediction of the time in culture since it was started by a single cell and, subsequently, the amount of time before the transgene was repressed in the entire population of cells. When they selected a high GFP expressing cell, they observed that transgene repression was independent of previous culture-based events (i.e, time in culture and variation in the number of cell generations per day). The attractor state in non-selecting conditions was that of transgene repression and the pattern of repression for one of the clones fit near perfectly that of first-order decay kinetics. The dynamics of repression were dependent on the location of integration of the viral-based vector within the genome and for the clone that exhibited near perfect first-order decay kinetics the site of integration was at a position in chromosome 9.